Greg - he has been working hard to get things done at work and to get things done at the house. We are trying to get it unpacked and ready for Lexi to arrive and for company. We are not getting a lot done since I can't do a ton and he is now unable to do much. We found out that he has an umbilical (sp) hernia and will be going to San Antonio this week to have a sergon look at it and then make the appt to have it fix, I just hope that we both are not cut on at the same time!! We can't have both parents down for recovery. He has had the problem for about a year, but Greg being Greg, never said anything to me or anyone else thinking that it was nothing. He stated that it was just a minor thing at first, but now its way bigger and more painful. Imagine all that furniture he was carring around since he will not let the military move us with this issue going on!!
Brandie - I have just started a new term in school and one class is only 6 weeks long and that all falls during my possible delivery time. I have only 3 classes to take and then I am done with this part of my schooling. I will go and get my BS, but will wait about 3 months or so. As long as I start back before December I will be fine since that is when I am to start paying back my student loans. Lexi is still breeched, and I would know if she had turned. It hurts when she is just adjusting herself during the day. She is most active anyway from about noon - 6 pm. I have another appt on the 23rd of Jan and then after that one I will go in everyweek.
I have finally got all her clothing washed, folded and hung up. Her folded clothing is on the floor in her room since we do not have a dresser for her yet. Her room still looks like a storage room, but we hope that will be fixed before she comes. We still have lots to do, but it all depends on what happens with Greg's surgery on his tummy. I REALLY wished I had help here for the next 5 weeks since Greg will be out for a bit and its getting REALLY hard for me to do things.
Guest may have to stay in a hotel if its not all done in time!
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