Thursday, June 5, 2008

Lexi and her now eating solid food

Lexi just before eating Lexi smiling at mommy while she preps for feeding
Me with all the yummy apples on my face
That is all, No more food....ah man

Pool Time

I caught Tori in mid air jumping into the pool, I twas really cool that I snapped it at the right time. Digital camera's never work that good, but yesterday it did.
They are posing like a whale with a big flipper in the back with their feet Tori said this was her and Arwen swimming in the pool
Tori posing like a star
Tori posing again like a star

Monday, June 2, 2008

We got a teether

We will not have a toothless grin too much longer. She has been teething for a bit and is nothing but a wet drooling baby right now. She will chew on anything she can get in her mouth.
Yesterday was her first time with jar food and her first one was organic applesauce. She loved it and ate the whole jar. Today she ate a nother whole jar in no time.
I am laughin at mommy, she is making funny faces at me trying to get a picture of me laughing.
Tori got me a new stuff horse and I am trying to figure out how to get it into my mouth to chew on, but mommy poped this other thing in my mouth.
Hello!! I am still a read head and my eyebrows are still red. I hope this means that I will stay red.