Friday, August 29, 2008

OB visit today

We got to see the baby and we have a heartbeat. The baby was hard to measure due to the position of the baby and the old machine, but Dr. Chartrand is looking at 8 weeks 5 days, that puts me at April 9, 2009 as the due date.

I go back in 4 weeks at the end of September to see him again for another ultrasound, as he does for every visit and see how the little bug is growing.

It will be a while before we know what we are having, but the name that we already had picked out knowing we would have another child are:

Piper Addison
Rustin Gregory

Friday, August 22, 2008

Pictures from the beach

Daddy and the girls in the ocean Lexi loving the ocean
Me hiding from the sun and playing with Lexi
Me the next day!!! OUCH I blistered really bad

Thursday, August 7, 2008

In Utah

Tori, Chloe and Arwen looking so cute
Tori, Chloe, Tyler and Arwen Uncle Eric and Lexi

Greg with all the kids Greg packing our truck to head back home
Mommy and Tori getting read for the trip back home

Lexi - 5 Months

Lexi just being silly right before going into town

Our vacation to Utah

The well known "hole in the rock" One of the many amazing scenes we saw
Church Rock