Wednesday, January 7, 2009

ER visit Wednesday Tuesday Night

Ok so to start off with I started haing cramps like I have been for the last 4 weeks at about 11 am when I went to pick Arwen up from her school on base. By the time I got back home I was puking and hurting really bad. I was now having regular contractions 1 minute apart and that lasted for about 3 hours and then backed off to 2-4 minute apart contractions. I drank a lot of water and layed on my left side as they always state in the books and it did not help. I threw up the water a few hours later.

I called Greg and he was in Harlem (sp) TX on an out & Back and wold not be home for at least 3 more hours, with not having anyone to watch the kids for me or anyone to pick Tori up from school, I stuck it out. When Greg got home I went to the Labor & Delivery at our hospital and checked in. I was there from 5 -11 to make sure they got the contrcations stopped for good before sending me home. I was not put on bed rest, but told to get plenty of rest, keep my OB appt and to drink tons of water per doctors orders. I was given a shot of stuff to stp the contractins, given a full bag of fluids via IV and checked. I was not dialited, but my cervix was thining out and had dropped pretty low.

I got to see my doctor on the 13th at 9am for my regular appt.