Saturday, February 9, 2008

Update on Lexi and her birth

We went to my appt yesterday and was placed on a stress test to see how she was doing since she had not been moving much. He heart rate dropped really low from the 170's to the 120's after strong contractions in a row, so I was sent to the hospital to have contractions induced stronger to see if she had the same reaction, if so he would have taken her then, but they tried the pit drip and it actually stopped my contractions, ODD I know!! Once they stopped the drip, my contractions picked right back up, but she did fine, so they sent me home after being there for 6 hours.
I go back Wednesday at 3:30 pm to be induced, the only drawback is that my family will be here only until that Saturday morning, so I will have someone here to watch the girls while giving birth, but then everyone leaves shortley afterwards.
We do not know when the next round of family will be coming into town to visit, so I guess we will get to know what its like to be home alone with a newborn for the first time!

We will post pictures after I have her and post all the other details. If I happen to go before then we will post that also.