Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Life in the house

Things are going pretty good with our new addition. Lexi does not care one bit that the girls are running around yelling. She is not a loud cryer and does not cry very often. She also settles down very fast after she starts crying.
Lexi is feeding every 3-4 hours sometimes she will feed after 2 hours, but that seems to be more at night and not during the day. I most of the time have to wake her during the day to eat since she will sleep all day if I let her. She is still a bit yellow, but the doctor said that should go away after time with more feedings and more time in the sun.

The girls are loving having a baby sister around the house, They are always giving her kisses and watching her sleep and eat. They come in the room first thing to see her.

I have been doing good. I have been having a bit of back problems after that crappy back labor, but I am sure it will ease off after a while and after I get an adjustment done. I have so far lost about 15 pounds in 6 days and I only gained 17 pounds during the pregnancy. I won't do any working out until after my 6 weeks check up that will be near the end of March, but we are doing a little walking to the local park for the girls when its warm. Today was a warm day, but i won't take both girls and lexi all by myself to the park which is about 3 or so blocks away by the creek.

Lexi has her 2 weeks check up on Feb. 27th at the base, we will post how that goes!


Lillykins said...

Congratulations all of you ! what a beautiful little one. I can see the 'suntan' - that's what my daughter said when my son was born - I'm sure it will clear up soon.
