Tuesday, February 24, 2009

34 week OB appt

Ok well today took a bit for the appt, but that was expected with all the issues I have been having these past several days. I got checked and all the contractions are doing NOTHING to my cervix, so its still closed at this time.

He measured Hayden and he is 5+ pounds and is once again Breech!!! We talked about c-sections since I have been having the contractions almost non stop and decided that it will be more decided once I get closer to that 37 week mark, right now there is plenty of fluid for him to move in and flip around again. If the c-section is done, no one will be able to see him born ecept the Doc as no one is allowed in the room since I will be put fully under since I cant have a epidural done.

I was on the stress test for 45 minutes and the doc noted that i had quite a few contractions during that time (10ish) so instead of having me come every 2 weks, I am to come in every week from now on. He is also doing this ebcasue my blood pressure was high and that was the casue of the dizzyness have been having the last several days too.

I also had the GB strep test done incase Hayden decided to come earler then 37 weeks.